Taliban insurgency

Taliban insurgency
Part of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present),
Civil war in Afghanistan

A group of Taliban insurgents lined up in northern Afghanistan after they surrendered to the Afghan National Police in April 2011
Date Spring 2005 – present
Location Southern Afghanistan
Status Conflict ongoing
 United States,
 United Kingdom,
 New Zealand,

Afghan National Army

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan,
Commanders and leaders
William J. Fallon,
Dan McNeill,
Egon Ramms,
Guy Laroche,
Bismillah Khan Mohammadi,
Hamid Karzai,
Mohammed Fahim,
Abdul Rashid Dostum
Mohammed Omar,
Obaidullah Akhund,
Mullah Dadullah ,
Jalaluddin Haqqani,
Osama bin Laden ,
Ayman al-Zawahiri,
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
145,000 US-Coalition troops and 270,000 ANA troops 35 000 (2011) and 1,000 al-Qaeda and Haqqani militia
Casualties and losses
2,600 killed
15,569+ wounded – many (not returning to service)
Afghan security forces: 9,600+ killed, 300 captured, 1,200 defected
anywhere from 30,000 - 40,000 killed unknown wounded

The Taliban insurgency took root shortly after the group's fall from power following the 2001 war in Afghanistan. The Taliban continue to attack Afghan, U.S., and other ISAF troops and many terrorist incidents attributable to them have been registered. The war has also spread over the southern and eastern border of the country to Pakistan, in particular the Waziristan War. The Taliban conduct low-intensity warfare against the Afghan National Army and coalition forces.

In common usage, "the Taliban" may refer to the largest insurgent group in Afghanistan, known as Quetta Shura Taliban, or to the Afghanistan insurgents in general (which include the Haqqani network, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, and smaller al Qaida groups).[1]


After the invasion

After evading U.S. forces throughout the summer of 2002, the remnants of the Taliban gradually began to regain their confidence and launched the insurgency that Mullah Mohammed Omar had promised during the Taliban's last days in power. During September 2002, Taliban forces began a recruitment drive in Pashtun areas in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to launch a renewed "jihad" or struggle against the Afghan government and the U.S-led coalition. Pamphlets distributed in secret during the night also began to appear in many villages in the former Taliban heartland in southeastern Afghanistan. Small mobile training camps were established along the border with Pakistan by al-Qaeda and Taliban fugitives to train new recruits in guerrilla warfare and tactics, according to Afghan sources and a United Nations report. Most of the new recruits were drawn from the madrassas or religious schools of the tribal areas of Pakistan, from which the Taliban had originally arisen. Major bases, a few with as many as 200 men, were created in the mountainous tribal areas of Pakistan by the summer of 2003. The will of the Pakistani paramilitaries stationed at border crossings to prevent such infiltration was called into question, and Pakistani military operations proved of little use.

Make-up of the Taliban

There are many players now in Afghanistan that are operating against the NATO coalition forces. In the general, the media use the term Taliban for all the insurgents in Afghanistan. However, in addition to Afghan insurgent groups with a separate history from the original pre-2001 Taliban – the Haqqani network and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin – there is also a Taliban group in Pakistan. The US military commanders call the Afghan Taliban Big T and they call the Pakistani Taliban Little T.The Afghan Taliban's main goal is to remove the foreign forces and their backed government from Afghanistan. Their leadership councils are intact and they operate in almost all parts of the Afghanistan in one form or the other. The Taliban control most of the country side from Herat Northwestern Afghanistan to Qandahar (southern Afghanistan) to Kunar (Northeastern Afghanistan). Taliban fighters are also said to have started operations in the Northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

The Pakistani Taliban's main goals are very unclear. The Pakistani Taliban do cross border to Afghanistan to fight NATO forces but their main concern seem to be in Pakistani tribal areas. There is also the Hezbi-Islami militia which operates in Northeastern Afghanistan.

Financial support

While the pre-2001 Taliban suppressed opium production, the current insurgency "relies on opium revenues to purchase weapons, train its members, and buy support." In 2001, Afghanistan produced only 11% of the world's opium, today it produces 93% of the global crop, and the drug trade accounts for half of Afghanistan's GDP.[2][3][4][5]

On July 28, 2009, Richard Holbrooke, the United States special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said that money transfers from Western Europe and the Gulf States exceeded the drug trade earnings and that a new task force had been formed to shut down this source of funds.[6]

The United States Agency for International Development is investigating the possibility that kickbacks from its contracts are being funneled to the Taliban.[7]

A report by the London School of Economics (LSE) claimed to provide the most concrete evidence yet that the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI is providing funding, training and sanctuary to the Taliban on a scale much larger than previously thought. The report's author Matt Waldman spoke to nine Taliban field commanders in Afghanistan and concluded that Pakistan's relationship with the insurgents ran far deeper than previously realized. Some of those interviewed suggested that the organization even attended meetings of the Taliban's supreme council, the Quetta Shura.[8][9][10] A spokesman for the Pakistani military dismissed the report, describing it as "malicious".[11][12]

Poppy dilemma

In March 2010, after the ousting of the Taliban from the area of Marja in the Southern Afghan province Helmand in the Operation Moshtarak, the American and NATO commanders were confronted with the dilemma of on the one hand the need for "winning the hearts and minds" of the local population as well as on the other hand the necessity of the eradication of poppies and the destruction of the opium economy. Since opium is the main source of existence of 60 to 70 percent of the farmers in Marja, American Marines were ordered to preliminary ignore the crops to avoid trampling their livelihood.[13]

Social context: poverty and corruption

In November 2010, a report with the results of an opinion poll of the Western aid group Oxfam indicated that 83 percent of the Afghan population does not consider the Taliban militants, but poverty, unemployment, the US-led invasion, and government corruption as the main causes of war in their country.

After thirty years of war, the country remains one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. It is also one of the most corrupt. Unemployment stands at 40 percent and more than half of the population lives below the poverty line. On top of that, violence then seemed to culminate since U.S.-backed Afghan forces ousted the Taliban in late 2001. Nearly half of those surveyed said corruption and bad government were the main reasons for the ongoing war. 12 percent said the Taliban insurgency was to blame.

After the Taliban, the reason most people gave for the continued fighting was the foreign interference: 25 percent of respondents saying other countries were to blame.[14]

2006 Escalation

Since the start of 2006 Afghanistan has been facing a wave of attacks by improvised explosives and suicide bombers, particularly after NATO took command of the fight against insurgents in spring 2006.[15]

Afghan President Hamid Karzai publicly condemned the methods used by the western powers. In June 2006 he said:

And for two years I have systematically, consistently and on a daily basis warned the international community of what was developing in Afghanistan and of the need for a change of approach in this regard.


The international community [must] reassess the manner in which this war against terror is conducted

Insurgents were also criticized for their conduct. According to Human Rights Watch, bombing and other attacks on Afghan civilians by the Taliban (and to a lesser extent Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin), are reported to have "sharply escalated in 2006" with "at least 669 Afghan civilians were killed in at least 350 armed attacks, most of which appear to have been intentionally launched at civilians or civilian objects."[16][17] 131 of insurgent attacks were suicide attacks which killed 212 civilians (732 wounded), 46 Afghan army and police members (101 wounded), and 12 foreign soldiers (63 wounded).[18]


Below are a few deaths (note:this is just a few NATO deaths)


The Taliban continue to favor suicide bombing as a tactic. In 2007 Afghanistan saw 140 more suicide bombings – more than in the past five years combined – that killed more than 300 people, many civilians.[29] A UN report said the perpetrators were poorly educated, disaffected young men who were recruited by Taliban leaders in Pakistani madrassas.[30]

Western analysts estimated that the Taliban can field about 10,000 fighters at any given time, according to an October 30 report in The New York Times. Of that number, "only 2,000 to 3,000 are highly motivated, full-time insurgents", the Times reported. The rest are part-timers, made up of alienated, young Afghan men angry at bombing raids or fighting in order to get money. In 2007, more foreign fighters were showing up in Afghanistan than ever before, according to Afghan and United States officials. An estimated 100 to 300 full-time combatants are foreigners, usually from Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, various Arab countries and perhaps even Turkey and western China. They tend to be more fanatical and violent, and they often bring skills such as the ability to post more sophisticated videos on the Internet or bombmaking expertise.[31] It has also been reported that the Taliban now control up to 54% of Afghanistan.[32]

In April 2007, Karzai admitted that he spoke to the Taliban to bring about peace in Afghanistan.[33] He noted that the Afghan Taliban are "always welcome" in Afghanistan, although foreign militants are not.[34] On April 15, 2007 the Afghan Government promised to end all hostage deals with the Taliban after two Afghan kidnapped victims were executed in an agreement to free an Italian journalist.[35]

On May 12, Mullah Dadullah, a senior Taliban commander in charge of operations in the south of the country was killed in Helmand province, in what is seen as a great moral victory.



The U.S. warned that in 2008 the Taliban has "coalesced into a resilient insurgency", and would "maintain or even increase the scope and pace of its terrorist attacks".[54] Attacks by Taliban insurgents in eastern Afghanistan increased by 40% when compared to the same period in 2007.[54]



During 2009 the Taliban regained control over the countryside of several Afghan provinces. In August 2009, Taliban commanders in the province of Helmand started issuing "visa" from the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" in order to allow travel to and from the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah.[61]



During 2010, the Taliban were ousted from parts of Helmand Province by the ISAF Operation Moshtarak that started in February 2010. In the meantime the Taliban insurgency spread to the northern provinces of the country.[70][71] The new policy of the Taliban was to shift militants from the south to the north, to show they exist "everywhere", according to Faryab Province Governor Abdul Haq Shafaq.[72][73] With most Afghan and NATO troops stationed in the southern and eastern provinces, villagers in the once-peaceful north[74] found themselves confronted with a rapid deterioration of security, as insurgents seized new territory in provinces such as Kunduz and Baghlan, and even infiltrated the mountains of Badakhshan Province in the northeast.



The insurgency continued strongly in 2011.

The Taliban continued attacking and ambushing NATO and Afghan troops as well as the targeted assassination of government officials.

On January 29, the deputy governor of Kandahar was killed in a suicide attack. Three months later, on April 15 the Kandahar chief police, General Khan Mohammed Mujahid was killed.

On May 28, Taliban assassinated one of their main opponents, Mohammed Daud Daud, in a bomb attack. Six others were alsokilled. He was the chief of the police for the northern of Afghanistan.

On July 12, the president's brother Ahmed Wali Karzai, the leader of the Kandahar province, was killed by his own bodyguard.

On July 18, President Karzai's advisor, Jan Mohammad Khan, was assassinated in Kabul by the Taliban in an attack that also killed an Afghan deputy.[98]

The United Nations estimated that for the first half of 2011, the civilian deaths rose by 15% and reached 1462, which is the worst death toll since the beginning of the war and despite the surge of foreign troops.[99]

As of July 22, 325 coalition fighters were killed, more than 55% of the deaths caused by IED's.[100]

As of July 18, coalition forces started their plan of transition by handing power of several areas to the Afghan authority following their plan of future pull out of the country. A Taliban militant who had infiltrated the Afghan police force killed seven other policemen in Lashkar Gah.[101] The same day the police chief of Registaan district and three other policemen were killed in bomb attacks.[102]

ISAF General Chief David Petraeus left his position with mixed results.[103][104] During his time as the head of ISAF, 3775 insurgents were killed or captured in 2832 raids [104] while 713 NATO soldiers were killed. Overall the level of violence in the country increased. He was replaced by General John Allen.

It is reported that in 2011, the United States was spending 2 billion dollars per week fighting in Afghanistan against the Taliban. In a 2011 forecast the war in Afghanistan was estimated at 108 billion dollars for the year, while the Iraqi War was estimated at 50 billion.[105]

Between July 20 and July 22, NATO troops killed 50 Haqquani fighters in an attack on their camp.[106]

A US military investigation discovered that a portion of the 2 billion dollars in funds given by the United States in contracts had fallen in the hands of the insurgency.[107]

On July 27, the mayor of Kandahar, Ghulam Haidar Hameedi, was killed in a suicide attack.[108]

On July 28, suicide bombers and snipers attacked the police headquarters of Tarin Kowt in a large-scale attack which killed more than 21 people including Afghan reporter Ahmed Omed Khpulwak.[109] According to the Afghan interior minister, for the 2 year period between March 19, 2009 and March 19, 2011, 2770 Afghan policemen were killed and 4785 wounded while 1052 Afghan soldiers were killed and 2413 wounded.[110]

On July 31, 10 Afghan policemen were killed in a suicide attack in Lashkar Gah where Afghan security forces had taken over from NATO a week before. The same day, 10 Afghan guards who were protecting a NATO supplies convoy were killed in the attack.[111] One day before, 5 Afghans soldiers and 2 NATO soldiers were killed in a bomb attack on their patrol.[112]

On August 6, 31 American Special Forces soldiers were killed in the crash of their helicopter probably shot down during a fight with the Taliban.[113] Seven Afghan soldiers were also killed. This was the biggest death toll for NATO troops in the whole war. Most of the American soldiers killed were Navy SEALs.[114]

On August 6, 4 NATO soldiers were killed, including two French Foreign Legion members, and 5 others were wounded.[115][116]

See also


  1. ^ Our Man in Kabul? by Michael Crowley, tnr.com, March 9, 2010
  2. ^ "Taliban Insurgency Funded by Poppy and Marble". Riazhaq.com. July 27, 2008. http://www.riazhaq.com/2008/07/taliban-insurgency-funded-by-poppy-and.html. Retrieved February 23, 2011. 
  3. ^ Iran trying to influence Afghanistan: US report
  4. ^ Gretchen Peters "Seeds of Terror: How Heroin is Bankrolling the Taliban and Al Qaeda", publ. Thomas Dunne Books (2009)
  5. ^ "Exploring The Taliban's Complex, Shadowy Finances". Wbur.org. http://www.wbur.org/npr/124821049. Retrieved February 23, 2011. 
  6. ^ Ian Traynor in Brussels (July 28, 2009). "US sets up task force to stem flow of foreign funds to Taliban". Guardian (UK). http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jul/28/taliban-foreign-funds-us-holbrooke. Retrieved February 23, 2011. 
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  17. ^ The Consequences of Insurgent Attacks in Afghanistan April 2007 Volume 19, No. 6(C)
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  116. ^ http://www.khaleejtimes.com/displayarticle.asp?xfile=data/international/2011/August/international_August287.xml&section=international&col=

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